May 26, 2009

My USMC Pictures in Iraq, The Invasion has begun, Part 3

1st Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)
Invasion is underway, little to no resistance, Iraqi's continue to drop weapons and run.
More surprised civilians.
My unit is spearheading the column, my Hummer is toward the front of the attacking convoy.
Some Marines have been assigned to check out the military and communication complex and underground bunkers.
They will be tagged, and called in for a U.S. Army demolition team.

May 20, 2009

My USMC Pictures in Iraq, The Invasion has begun, Part 2

1st Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)
Invasion has started, little resistance, Iraqi's dropping weapons and running.
Glimpses of surprised civilians. Little resistance so far.
My unit is spearheading the column, my Hummer is toward the front of the attacking convoy.

May 10, 2009

My USMC Pictures in Iraq, The Invasion has begun, Part 1

1st Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF)
Left Camp Coyote, Kuwait, massed along the Iraq Border awaiting invasion orders.
Our unit will be one of the first into Iraq.
Invasion starts, little resistance, Iraqi's dropping weapons and running.
My unit is spearheading the column, my Hummer is toward the front.

The United States Marines - First In, Last out!

May 4, 2009

My USMC Pictures in Kuwait along the Iraq Border, Part 2

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Pre-invasion Preparation, including training for Chemical and Biological attacks. We would have to dress out and take bunker cover every time the Iraqis fired a Scud Missile:

May 2, 2009